Thursday 27 September 2018

Do You want to beat Your Fear of Public Speaking?

David Roylance helps people to beat the fear of public speaking

One of the most significant human fears is the fear of Public Speaking.

Most people are comfortable speaking in front of others we know and feel comfortable with, but something strange happens when we think about addressing those we do not yet know.

So many people fear being judged, or criticised, so they would rather not be the focus of attention, which is the perception most people have of public speaking.

Being afraid of speaking in front of strangers seems strange when you consider that as children, most of us seemed quite comfortable shouting, singing, crying or otherwise expressing ourselves in public to complete strangers. By the time most of us become teenagers, we become self conscious and seek to conform, rather than stand out, which is what we perceive public speaking to force us to do.

Without doubt, we learn this fear. 

Anything learned, can be unlearned. Beliefs can be retired, superseded, or upgraded.

I have seen people present with power and authority and the first thought is they must have been born with this unique super power, but the truth is, every great speaker began as mere mortal and either chose to not give up their child like comfort presenting in public, or had to learned how give up the fear of speaking publicly. They had to learn to become comfortable standing out.

To become a great public speaker, you need to learn a few tools which can be taught to you, if you find a great teacher.

Although there are many people who teach confidence with public speaking, there are but few whom I personally know can get just about anyone as comfortable, as quickly as David Roylance can.

David has taken rooms of people who visibly struggle with speaking even to one client, from fearfully shrinking, to speaking with confidence on stage. David has helped may women to find their voice, taking some to leadership in corporate board rooms.

David is presenting a webinar tonight and has kindly sent me the link it to allow my readers to attend.

There is still time to get on it. I hope you enjoy it, and look out for more opportunities in the near future.

Here is the link

Thank you

Patrick Nairne

Friday 3 August 2018

Can You take Action to achieve your goals?

Do you really want to live an absolutely amazing life?

Do you want your experiences to thrill you, be memorable and make your hair stand on end?

So many people talk about wanting an amazing life, but it is often difficult to see exactly what effort they put into manifesting it. It appears they only want an amazing life, but are not actively engaged in constructing an amazing life for themselves. It is as if they believe the universe will reward desire alone. This is merely fantasy.

Desire is important, but just wishing for a lottery win usually guarantees no win at all, without an expression of faith through the purchase of a lottery ticket. This is very different to merely wishing for a lottery win without first buying a ticket.

There is a price to pay.

I have a talented friend, who wanted to make a change in his life, but stopped short of any action because of fear. The action which could manifest this change, was quite small and I was fortunate to be with him at the time he stood facing that fear, and witnessed how he began to hold back because of it. 

We had a conversation and I encouraged him, quite directly, to take action. He did, and was able to achieve his goal. He experienced the absolute joy getting exactly what he wanted because he decided to take an action toward his goal. 

He realised that all he needed to do was actually quite easy. It was not a new skill to master. It did not cost him anything. 

He thanked me for encouraging him to go for it.

Why am I telling this story? 

Because You may be around at just the right time when someone you know may need a little direct encouragement to keep them on track to achieve their goal.

Because You may be asking if you should give up on your goal because it seems to be taking too long.

Because during my journey to become the best version of me, I intend to help as many people as I can, to become the best version of themselves.

Because an ordinary person took a simple action and got the result they wanted.

Because All Up To Me does not mean all by yourself. 

If you take one small action every day in the direction of your goal, you will achieve it faster than you ever imagined. That absolutely amazing life you dream about can actually become your reality.

Thank you for reading.

Patrick Nairne

Wednesday 1 August 2018

How To Become Immune To Criticism In 3 Simple Steps | Marisa Peer

How can I become Immune to Criticism?

Marissa Peer teaches how you can become immune to criticism in 3 simple steps.


Have you ever wondered if you can really handle criticism better than you do now?

I would like to share this short training from Marisa Peer to help anyone who is currently facing the challenge of facing criticism. 

I hope you enjoy this powerful teaching and take life to a higher level.

Thank you for viewing.

Patrick Nairne

Saturday 31 March 2018

High Performance Habits Brendon Burchard

High Performance Habits

Brendon Burchard breaks down high performance, detailed in his latest book, High Performance Habits.


I have been reading and listening to High Performance Habits since it was launched in 2017 and there is so much packed into this book. This is a great place to start your journey into Self Improvement.

I intend to present my review of this book in the coming months.

Brendon also gave me access, by way of special bonuses, to a special in depth bonus program when I bought the book at pre-launch. This included an audio book. 

Brendon has now released the audio book free of charge and allowed me to share this with you. The link to the audio book is Here.

I hope you enjoy the book and learn a lot from it.

Thank you for reading,

Patrick Nairne

Friday 23 February 2018

Les Brown: Your Dream is Necessary

Five words to change your life 

by Les Brown

Les Brown is an inspirational speaker and leader in the personal development sphere. 

Having a dream and actually manifesting it, requires the dream to be elevated in your mind, to to a level of priority which compels unrelenting action until the result is made tangible.

Have you ever dreamt of achieving something so great that it could change the world, and then you talked yourself into dismissing it? 

You told yourself, "it will never work", or "I cannot do it" and you gave up on your dream, or idea.

If you have a feeling that you are capable of more, but as yet, seem unable to tap into your greatness, perhaps Les can help.

What if there are five words which could truly change your life, would it be worth a few minutes to learn them?

Thank you for taking the time to read this message.

P Nairne

Wednesday 10 January 2018

Why Successful People Don't Have Multiple Streams of Income — T. Harv Eker

T. Harv Eker explains why it is so important to focus, rather than diversify.

Have you found it challenging to really focus one thing at a time?

Harv Eker explains why a lack of success may be down to your approach.

Thank you for watching.

Patrick Nairne