David Roylance helps people to beat the fear of public speaking

One of the most significant human fears is the fear of Public Speaking.
Most people are comfortable speaking in front of others we know and feel comfortable with, but something strange happens when we think about addressing those we do not yet know.
So many people fear being judged, or criticised, so they would rather not be the focus of attention, which is the perception most people have of public speaking.
Being afraid of speaking in front of strangers seems strange when you consider that as children, most of us seemed quite comfortable shouting, singing, crying or otherwise expressing ourselves in public to complete strangers. By the time most of us become teenagers, we become self conscious and seek to conform, rather than stand out, which is what we perceive public speaking to force us to do.
Without doubt, we learn this fear.
Anything learned, can be unlearned. Beliefs can be retired, superseded, or upgraded.
I have seen people present with power and authority and the first thought is they must have been born with this unique super power, but the truth is, every great speaker began as mere mortal and either chose to not give up their child like comfort presenting in public, or had to learned how give up the fear of speaking publicly. They had to learn to become comfortable standing out.
To become a great public speaker, you need to learn a few tools which can be taught to you, if you find a great teacher.
Although there are many people who teach confidence with public speaking, there are but few whom I personally know can get just about anyone as comfortable, as quickly as David Roylance can.
David has taken rooms of people who visibly struggle with speaking even to one client, from fearfully shrinking, to speaking with confidence on stage. David has helped may women to find their voice, taking some to leadership in corporate board rooms.
David is presenting a webinar tonight and has kindly sent me the link it to allow my readers to attend.
There is still time to get on it. I hope you enjoy it, and look out for more opportunities in the near future.
Here is the link
https://events.genndi.com/register/818182175026317560/87e82b1c63Thank you
Patrick Nairne